  • Name of Event: From Marine Colonel to Advocate for Justice: Tim Dunn
  • Description: Imagine sitting down with a man whose life story is as impactful as the punches his golden glove boxer father once threw. That's what we're bringing to the table today, with Tim Dunn, a Marine Corps veteran and North Carolina Attorney General candidate. In an armor-less conversation, Tim peels back the layers of his life, from the football fields of his youth to the legal battles he fights for juvenile defendants. Get ready to be moved by the humor and heartache, the dedication and determination, and the sheer resilience that has defined Tim's journey and fueled his passion for advocating for the vulnerable in our society. 🌟Please share this episode with your networks and consider supporting Tim Dunn for the next North Carolina Attorney General in 2024. Tim Dunn for NC Attorney General -
  • Date: 2024-03-03 / 2024-03-06
  • Time: 9:00pm EST - 7:00am EST
  • Cost: FREE
  • Event URL: See Registration Email for event location or URL

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