  • Name of Event: Unarmored Talk Podcast New Episode Release
  • Description: In this episode, I delve into the remarkable experiences of individuals who confronted crises armed not with weapons, but with caregiving skills and unwavering determination. My guest, Sherrell D. Mims, founder of Global Caregivers Network and Global Caregiver Speakers, shares her firsthand challenges as a caregiver during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sherrell discusses resource shortages and the call for retirees to serve in healthcare during crises. She also highlights the difficult conditions healthcare workers face. During our conversation, Sherrell stressed the importance of processing emotions during tough times and how colleague support sustained her. Her unyielding passion for caregiving, despite overwhelming odds, serves as an inspiring testament to her mission.
  • Date: 2023-10-22 / 2023-10-24
  • Time: 1:30pm EST - 1:30pm EST
  • Cost: FREE
  • Event URL: See Registration Email for event location or URL

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