MilSpouse Conversations

Social Media Followers & Subscribers: 2,620

MilSpouse Conversations is hosted by a diverse panel of military spouses bringing REAL & RELATABLE conversations about all aspects of life to the table. Our diversity spans from Race, Age, Rank, Military Branch, and life experiences. And we're NOT afraid to talk about any of it. Get to know the FABulous Conversation Starters


We host a LIVE talk show, THEE TEA, that airs LIVE every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 8 PM ET and a monthly virtual event every 4th Thursday of the month where YOU join us at our private tea room (aka zoom) to continue THEE Conversation and talk with us. We also host in-person events around the globe that YOU don't want to miss. We bring CONVERSATION. COMMUNITY & FUN.

My Favorites

FABulous Friday - When Seconds Matter

Name THEE Military Term or Acronym game show

To Geo-Bach, or NOT to Geo-Bach. That is THE Question

Top Videos and Shorts

The host fell asleep during the live talk show #milspouseconversations #short

Military Spouse Looking For A Place to BE YOU? #milspouseconversations #militaryspouse #shorts

What if... you need to get dinner on the table in 20 minutes #shorts #dinnertime #whatif

Holiday Chit Chat Tea

Tricare Overseas news

Grinch Christmas Tree. WHHAAATTTT???!!!!